Batman: Gotham Knights #16 (June 2001)

Story: Matatoa, Part 1 (22 pages)
(next part is in Gotham Knights #17)

Writer(s): Devin Grayson
Pencils: Roger Robinson
Inks: John Floyd

Bruce Wayne / Batman, Matatoa

Minor Characters / Guest Appearances:
Samuel Yates / Samsara, Dick Grayson / Nightwing, John Grayson (Dick's father, first name not given here; appears in a dream sequence), Mary Grayson (Dick's mother, first name not given here; appears in a dream sequence), Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father, first name not given here; appears in a dream sequence), Martha Wayne (Bruce's mother, first name not given here; appears in a dream sequence), Jason Todd / Robin I (appears in a dream sequence), Arnie (GCPD cop), Dave (GCPD cop), Barbara Gordon / Oracle (off screen)

Batman is dreaming of his own and Dick's dead parents when Samsara appears in the dream, warning him of Matatoa, who then also appears inside the dream, just as Batman is woken by an alarm. Matatoa is an immortal, a "soul-eater" who stays alive forever by killing people and consuming their souls. He hears orders inside his head telling him what kind of person he needs to kill next, and then he takes on the qualities of his victim. This time he has been ordered to find "an undefeated warrior" and is now after Batman. The alarm calls Batman to a bar where Matatoa has killed two people and is now waiting for Batman. The GCPD on the scene leaves Batman through. They fight, Matatoa flees on a motorcycle, and Batman chases him in the Batmobile. At the end of the chase Matatoa explains his nature to Batman. As Matatoa suggests that Batman might just give in to be killed, because this way Gotham would be protected for eternity, Nightwing shows up.

Continuity References:
- Samsara mentions the time he and Batman first met in Gotham Knights #3. [p. 4]

Bruce Wayne Character Details:
- Bruce dreams himself in costume when kneeling on his parents' grave. [p. 1f]
- The conversation Batman has in the dream indicates that appearances of both Dick's and his own dead parents happen regularly in his guilt-ridden dreams. [p. 2f]
- Batman calls Samsara "Sam." [p. 4]
- With Alfred still away(?) [see Officer Down, Part 5, in Nightwing #53] Bruce even sleeps in his Batman gear (without the cape, cowl and boots). [p. 5]
- In the dream sequence Mary Grayson mentions that Bruce had adopted Jason Todd. [p. 3]

- The name of the bar where Matatoa waits for Batman to show up is "The Pour House."
- We see some of the functions of Batman's cowl/lenses from his POV [p. 20]:
Recording...mapping voice waves.
Infrared Scanning: Engaged.
Photo Capture/Covert: On.
Running for Cross-Ref.
X-Ray Scan/Covert: Engaged.

Posted by RatC