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The Save Farscape Campaign has gotten quite a lot of coverage, even in mainstream media, so it's not just science fiction or tv related websites who notice us, though they do too. The campaign site has a list of the media coverage. And a short while ago CNN Headline News channel covered the cancellation and the campaign, almost two minutes about Farscape, they were showing and mentioning Farscape sites, commented on how well organized the fans were, and the anchor said "Scapers Unite!". Wow. Someone captured it and I watched it after downloading it from here (needs a Real Media player).
Unfortunately the free fax sites don't work anymore for sending to SciFi, so I guess I have to find another way to send faxes (I can't from my computer and I don't have a fax machine). Anyway, I'm thrilled to see some good news, though it's certain that we need to keep the pressure up for some time.
Also there will be a Save Farscape ad in Variety on Thursday (see benbrowder.net for details, and Deneba organized an ad in the Sydney Daily Telegraph on Friday to express thanks to the cast and crew of Farscape. And there is of course a lot more going on, for which other websites are a far more qualified source than this blog, obviously.
I'm just happy that I can cling to my hopes, and that at least my wish of a 5th season of Farscape hasn't gotten less likely, since that awful announcement, maybe even more likely.
So, to quote CNN: "Scapers Unite!"