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10/07/2003: the truth is out there, er, here...

The answers to the "four truths, one lie meme" I did yesterday...

1. I used to do a semi-regular radio show about books.

True. It was in a community radio based wholly on volunteer work not on a commercial station, but for a while I did a monthly show (usually together with a friend, but sometimes alone), where we reviewed books, usually live on air for one and a half hours. It was semi-regular because though the intention was to do it monthly that didn't always work out.

2. One of my favorite dishes as a kid, i.e. until I became vegetarian as a teenager, was fried Grützwurst (a sausage made from groats, pig's blood, raisins, and probably a lot of other disgusting pig-based ingredients) served with sweet applesauce and mashed potatoes.

True. Actually it's one of the few dishes I miss even after a decade of being a vegetarian (without any lapses, so I don't miss it too much *grin*). I guess it's because that dish always felt like comfort food, it's quite fast to prepare, and I know it sounds kind of gross, but it is actually very tasty. It isn't much like the separate ingredients at all. The sausage is cut in half so that not just the skin is fried but one side of the interior as well, and it gets a lovely crust (coming from the groats/blood mixture I presume) that goes well with the sweetness of the raisins and the apple sauce.

3. I was once threatened with a pocketknife by a classmate in elementary school.

True. It was a neighbor's kid and we had the same way home. He had some kind of crush on me, but I wasn't very happy about his attentions, and then one day he pulled out his pocket knife on the way home and threatened me. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I talked to him to keep him calm and eventually he put the knife away. Once I was home I told my big brother (not my parents) who sufficiently intimidated the jerk in turn. He never tried anything like that again on me.

4. I still have a notebook with some embarrassingly bad poems I wrote years ago.

False. I knew with all you writerly types out there it would sound plausible, but I have only written two "poems" (and I use the term loosely) in my whole life, both of them while I was still in elementary school. And I disposed the notebook with those two as a teenager. So, no atrocious poems.

5. I was offered to skip a year in high school twice, but refused because I liked the other people in my year and high school in general.

True. I didn't want to skip because I liked my classmates, even the somewhat psycho guy who used to hit my back with his fists and sometimes strangled me with my scarf wasn't all that bad in his saner moments. You could talk with him about comics and RPGs for example. Besides, I had absolutely no intention to put real effort into getting excellent grades. By not skipping I could continue to draw comics and cartoons in class without any impact on my school performance. It's not that I was lazy or uninterested as such, I actually did the assignments, participated in class etc., but I rather liked that it didn't take much effort. It wasn't like I already knew all the stuff that was taught either, unlike my brother for example who enjoyed showing the teachers up (by reading a scary amount of books, thus having read more philosophy books than the philosophy teachers and the like) so I wasn't bored by the subjects -- I was just okay with going at a slower pace than I could have and with not learning more than what was offered in class, and to be a slacker drawing doodles instead, even though I didn't find the stuff I learned uninteresting as such.

I think the teachers who suggested I skip years didn't quite get my attitude and had this idea that I ought to be eager to learn more, or faster, or more challenging things, just because I probably would have been able to do so.

Anyway, overall I liked high school, especially the last three years or so. While I wasn't widely popular I didn't have any problems, despite being a feminist, vegetarian, overweight science geek. Even when my two best friends moved away, I still found people to chat and hang out with during recess, for example.

Posted by RatC @ 10:09 PM CET
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