What was new once...

...and is now of even less interest than it was then.
(back to the current index)

November 1
I added a new piece of Nightwing/Daredevil fan art to the in the fan art section of the media fandom page.
October 13
I updated the AU recs page with four new recs.
October 12
I created a page to collect all the icons I've made for my LJ. I now also have a page for the icons from comic scans I make for others.
July 25
I updated the AU recs page with six new recs.
June 24
I created a new page layout, I hope it works in all browsers.
June 11
I updated the AU recs page with four new recs.
May 27
I updated the AU recs page with three new recs.
April 11
I updated the AU recs page with two new recs and also fixed a number of broken links. There is also a new piece of Nightwing fan art in the in the fan art section of the media fandom page.
March 13
I updated the comic rec pages, both the Wimmin's Comics as well as the Other Comics page. I also updated my want list.
March 8
I finally created the Other Comics Page. You'll find a variety of comic recs there, and links to the comic reviews I've posted in my blog. It's far from complete, but much better than the eternal "coming eventually" place holder...
February 4
There's a new sketch in the fan art section of the media fandom page.
January 20
I'm really bad with updating lately, however, I added my blog, which is updated slightly more often, to the main navigation. I also put up a want list with comics I'm looking for in the comics section. I realize the chance that anyone looks at this site and has those comics and would be willing to sell them is small at best, but it can't hurt either. Also, there is a little update on the AU recs page, and I added a fan art section to the media fandom page. So far there's only one drawing, but I wanted to keep original and fan art separate so it's on the fandom page rather than on one of the pages with my original artwork.

The 2002, 2001, 2000 and 1999 updates are also archived...